Chelsea + Brandon


Ashley + Mike :: Engagement Shoot

Ashley + Mike :: Engagement Shoot

It’s snowing!!!!! I think this could be great… and also very unfortunate for hair.”

The excitement in Ashley’s text message early on Saturday morning set the tone for the whole day for me. She wasn’t the only one who was saturated with delight for our upcoming time together, as I have been looking forward to shoot Ashley and her charming fiancé Mike for weeks.

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Nikki + Adam :: Anytime Shoot

Nikki + Adam :: Anytime Shoot

Last weekend, we met Nikki and Adam at Evergreen Brickworks for our Anytime Shoot. Nikki has been my best friend for over 12 years and I knew we would have a blast shooting together. Nikki’s lovely and kind boyfriend Adam had no problem wrapping his arms around her and making her laugh – Nikki’s giggle is extremely contagious

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From Toronto to Kingston

From Toronto to Kingston

As I stand here, on a crowded, hotter than hell TTC subway car, on my morning commute to work, all I can think about is “um, I have no idea how to write a blog. Or even write for that matter!” But I’m just goin’ for it. There’s going to be many firsts in these months to come on this new journey. It’s been a dream for a while to be a business owner, be my own boss and still be doing what I love to do. I’m scared, excited, nervous, ecstatic, and all of the mixed emotions you could possibly think of to begin this awesome new chapter in our lives.

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Toronto Engagement Shoot :: Eden + Scott

Toronto Engagement Shoot :: Eden + Scott

Let me start by saying this wasn’t your ordinary engagement shoot. We visited three locations, packed a picnic lunch, and shot during the sunset. I can’t think of any cool words to describe this engagement shoot other than EPIC.

Eden + Scott are good friends of ours and have been for a long time. So when they asked us to be apart of their wedding day next year, I basically did all the things an excited, extremely giddy girl would do, including jumping on the bed and prancing around our apartment. I was over the moon – because secretly I was crossing my fingers in hopes that they would ask us to shoot their wedding.

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Scarborough Bluffs Maternity Shoot :: Angie + Matt

Scarborough Bluffs Maternity Shoot :: Angie + Matt

The Scarborough Bluffs were bustling with laughter from the many families that filled the park on a Sunday evening; a prefect scene for a maternity shoot. It was only fitting to be surrounded by energetic children during our shoot with Ang + Matt because they are weeks away from becoming parents for the first time.

Now, I may have a biased opinion as she is my sister, but my gosh, Ang has been absolutely glowing the past few months with her pregnancy.

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Toronto City Hall Wedding :: Megan + Alexis

Toronto City Hall Wedding :: Megan + Alexis

Megan + Alexis’ love story is one for the ages. They first met in Halifax where they went to university together. As the story goes, they started dating and then stopped because as Megan puts it “it fizzled for all sorts of reasons that in hindsight I believe were due to young love.” Two years later, Alexis starting working in Ottawa and Megan was back in Toronto. They then found themselves back together attempting a long distance relationship which ended after they couldn’t find the right balance.

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Copyright © Streetcar Design Co.


Based in Toronto, ON  Canada



Designed by Streetcar Design Co. and Mystery Meat Illustration




 Based in Toronto, ON  Canada



Copyright © Streetcar Design Co.

Designed by Streetcar Design Co. and Mystery Meat Illustration